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CBD oil for dogs

This article will cover a few important issues that all dog lovers should know about when it comes to CBD. We’ll be chatting about: 

  • The endocannabinoid system 

  • Proven and potential benefits of CBD oil

  • Choosing the right CBD oil

  • Safety

  • Dosage

The endocannabinoid system:

So firstly, let’s talk about the endocannabinoid system.

You and your dog have something in common: you both have an endocannabinoid system. This system affects your brain, skin, heart, eyes, stomach - and even your mood. Similarly, your dog’s endocannabinoid system affects their whole body, too. 

Cannabinoids are found in cannabis and plants related to cannabis, like hemp. Our bodies make their own cannabinoids, too! As the name implies, cannabinoids affect your endocannabinoid system. This is why cannabis has such a wide range of effects on the body. 

This is true for humans, but also for all other mammals - including dogs. 

One of the cannabinoids that is particularly prevalent in cannabis is cannabidiol, also known as CBD:

  • The endocannabinoid system is found in humans and dogs

  • It affects many parts of your body and its functions - including your brain, skin, heart, eyes, stomach - and even your mood

  • The endocannabinoid system is affected by cannabinoids, which are found in cannabis plants and hemp plants

  • This is why cannabis has a wide range of effects on your body

  • One of these cannabinoids is cannabidiol, known as CBD

Possible benefits of CBD oil for dogs

Recent studies have shown that CBD is particularly beneficial for dogs. How so? Well, it reduces anxiety, seizures, pain, and inflammation in dogs, and it can also improve skin conditions. This is according to a few recent papers. 

CBD might have even more benefits for dogs. In humans, it’s shown to treat depression, appetite loss, glaucoma, sleeplessness, and more. Now, because humans and dogs seem to be affected by CBD in similar ways, many scientists are trying to figure out if dogs can also benefit from CBD in the above-mentioned ways. As we speak, more research is being conducted on the benefits of CBD for dogs. In time, science will show us the full potential of CBD.

Benefits of CBD oil for dogs:

  • Anxiety

  • Seizures

  • Pain and inflammation

  • Skin conditions

Other potential benefits of CBD oil for dogs:

  • Depression

  • Appetite loss

  • Glaucoma

  • Sleeplessness

If you google the word "turmeric" you'll be flooded with pages about supplements, health blogs talking about the benefits of this spice, and holistic care websites. But why is the ancient spice that has been used for thousands of years highly trending in the pet community now?

It turns out that our pets can also benefit from this natural superfood in similar ways as humans.

The use of turmeric stems to ancient times with an origin in India, where it was regarded for its medicinal and flavorful properties. Preliminary studies have shown that the curcumin in turmeric touts anti-inflammatory properties and aids in digestion, among other health benefits such as:

  • Maintaining pain associated to joints issues and arthritis

  • Reducing blood clots due to its blood thinning properties

  • Helping irritable bowel diseases since it helps break down dietary fats

  • Great antioxidant

  • Boosting the immune system

When introducing turmeric into your pet's diet, it's best to start slow so that their digestive system becomes accustomed to it. The recommended daily dose of turmeric is anywhere between 1/8 tsp - 1/4 tsp for every 10 lb. your dog weighs. If your pup has health concerns or is on medication, it is best to consult with a vet to see if turmeric is right for them.

Many users of turmeric rave about a "golden paste" for dogs.

Add the benefits of this spice to MSM & you will be amazed.

You may be familiar with MSM as a top ingredient in dog joint supplements, but it also does so much more. Officially known as methylsulfonylmethane, MSM contains notable amounts of sulfur, an essential element your dog may not be receiving from his food or other sources.

Sulfur plays a crucial role in overall health, and MSM powder for dogs can help ensure your pet is getting the amounts he needs for optimum well-being.

MSM is hailed as a joint healer for its ability to reduce inflammation, block pain signals and help strengthen the structural bond of connective tissue. Some of those same abilities make MSM for dogs helpful for a number of other issues. These include:

Decreasing chronic pain: As a natural pain reliever, MSM stops pain signals from reaching the brain by blocking pain perception in certain nerve fibers.

Reducing inflammation: MSM increases the activity of cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory hormone.

Serving as an antioxidant: With the ability to bind and inactivate free radicals, MSM is a powerful antioxidant. Excess free radicals can be caused by stress, pollution, heavy metals, radiation and contaminants in food and drinking water.

Assisting with detoxification: As an antioxidant, MSM helps neutralize and flush toxins from cells. MSM not only neutralizes toxins, but it also enhances cell membrane permeability. This makes it easier for nutrients to flow into and toxins to flow out of cells.

Increasing nutrient uptake: MSM boosts the power of many vitamins and nutrients, enhancing both their ability to enter cells as well as their lifespan.

Alleviating allergy symptoms: In addition to reducing inflammation and assisting with detoxification, MSM helps reduce allergy symptoms by binding to the mucus membrane. This creates a natural barricade against allergens.

Eliminating parasites: MSM has been shown to eliminate intestinal worms, such as roundworms, Trichomonas, Giardia, nematodes and others.

Since colloidal silver is an all-around pathogen fighter, it can be used to treat all kinds of common conditions and infections in your pet including: ear infections, cuts and scrapes, rashes, yeast infections, and eye conditions. Even if your dog seems to be in perfect health, it can be used as a general immune booster to keep your dog happy and healthy before any of these stubborn problems occur.

Since colloidal silver is tasteless, odourless, tear-less and non-toxic, you can use it for pets both internally and externally. Skin Application
Colloidal silver can be used topically for open wounds and skin infections like hot spots, ringworm, wounds and burns. It will feel soothing to your pet while it helps to heal the skin by repairing any tissue damage. When treating wounds with colloidal silver, simply apply with a cotton ball or swab and clean the wound. For skin conditions, you can apply a compress to the area or spray colloidal silver directly onto the area. It's that easy!Ear Application
Colloidal silver can be great for treating ear infections. The liquid can be dropped directly into the ears (3-4 drops into each infected ear) to help fight off bacteria and yeast while being fed orally as well.Eye Application
Colloidal silver can also help treat eye problems like infections, allergies, inflammation and tear staining. It can be applied directly without worrying about it stinging your dog's eyes! To use it, apply 1 drop three times a day into the affected eye or follow the advice of your holistic veterinarian.In general, colloidal silver is a powerful solution that can kill a vast range of bacteria, fungi, viruses, skin irritations, and infections. The submicroscopic elements within the colloidal silver are so small, that it is able to penetrate through cells in the body, and eliminate the unwanted pathogens (damaging their ability to metabolize oxygen) to improve the health of your pup.In addition to this, since colloidal silver is known to be an antibiotic, you can also use this for your dog to kill any disease-causing microbes. This means it is ideal for treating things such as wounds, rashes, allergies, burns, and infections regarding the eyes, ears, and skin. The best part? This “antibiotic” does not cause bacteria to mutate like man-made ones do, meaning there will never be any resistant strains against the colloidal silver.

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